Buff and Fellow Eco Cabins are situated on a working Buffalo Farm called Ultreya. "Ultreya" is a Spanish word derived from the original Latin meaning "Onward with Courage!" It was in common use by Pilgrams to greet and encourage people along the way! We encourage you to go "Onward!" and enjoy one of our many activities on the farm...
Bass Fishing
Bring your fishing gear! Our dam is full of Black Bass and other species. Strictly catch and release.
Indian Canoes
Row Row Row your boat gently down the stream... Free to use anytime.
The Fellow's Farm Shop
Did you forget to bring something? Visit our little honesty shop for the bare necessities and our farm specialties
Game Drives
Join us every morning for a Game Drive. Experience all the magnificent animals up close. Coffee and rusks included.
Gather round the Bonfire
A perfect place for friends or colleges to bond around a crackling bonfire...
The Long Fellow Lights
Embrace the magic as the Long Fellow lights light up the sky at night.
Farm Fresh Eggs
Collect your own eggs from our from our very own "Cluck and Fellow" Chicken coops.
Veggie Garden
We grow our own organic veggies. You are more than welcome to help yourself... just leave a tip for our gardener.
The Buffalo Butcher
100% Grass-fed buffalo and venison meat from our farm available at the Fellow's Farm Shop